This page features the other odds and ends I made for AIKU during its development.
When it 'came time that we needed visuals for the lifeless screens in "The Hub" level
I took it upon myself to create some sci-fi themed computer screens. Haven't seen the model this comes from? Try here!
I took it upon myself to create some sci-fi themed computer screens. Haven't seen the model this comes from? Try here!
Navigational Prefabs |
If you were interested in the file structure, please feel free to download a copy of this prefab package. (unity) -- but please do not distribute it!
I also took the time to break apart my model and turn it into several, easy to use, prefabs that could be distributed throughout the levels of our game.
I also created a custom screen for one of our character's work computer. (While the model is not mine the artwork is)